
Company Identification


Tax Identification Number (NIPC): 518008444

Registered Office: Rua do Ouro Negro, nº 2, R/c, 5300-580 Bragança, Portugal

Phone: (+351) 273 328 637


Domain Name: []

Purpose of the Website

This website is designed to provide information and resources about clinical mentoring in invisible orthodontics. Its purpose is to inform clients and potential clients about our products and/or services, contact details, location, and other relevant sector information.

Regulatory Framework

The activity of this website is subject to the legal framework of the European Union and Portugal, including:

Terms of Use and Responsibilities

By accessing this website, you agree to use it in accordance with the law and these terms. A LINE DIGITAL ORTHO MENTORING, LDA will not be responsible for damages resulting from its improper use. The content of this website should not be considered as a substitute for legal advice. We reserve the right to modify any information without prior notice. We do not guarantee that the website is error-free or that its operation will be uninterrupted.

Intellectual Property

The contents of this website, including texts, graphics, images, and source code, are the property of A LINE DIGITAL ORTHO MENTORING, LDA, or used under license. These contents are protected by intellectual property laws. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the contents is strictly prohibited.

Third-Party Links

This site may include links to third-party sites. A LINE DIGITAL ORTHO MENTORING, LDA is not responsible for the content or accuracy of these external sites.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This legal notice is governed by the laws of Portugal. Any dispute related to this website will be resolved in the courts of Bragança, Portugal.